Welcome from our CEO
Our website is designed to share with you our vision of the innovation and opportunities that as a family of schools we deliver for our students, staff and communities.
Established in 2011, Spencer has a well-established reputation for teaching excellence with some of the most successful and highest performing academies in the East Midlands region. Our mission is to provide high quality education and deliver the best possible outcomes for children and young people and our vision is to be an exceptional Trust, which provides an outstanding education for local children.
We have a dedicated and talented staff team and through partnership and collaborative working share expertise, best practice and resources to make sure that our students benefit from the best possible educational experience, and our staff enjoy a positive, purposeful working environment with clear opportunities for career progression.
Spencer Academies Trust is an educational charity, Academy Trust and Sponsor of Academies. We have over 18000 children and young people in our academies and employ more than 2600 teachers, leaders and educational support professionals across the East Midlands. We aspire to be a leading regional high performing Trust, with a national reputation for excellence.
We currently have 17 primary academies, 8 secondary academies and one primary aged special school in our family of schools. In the coming months we will be on-boarding new member academies and working towards the design, build and opening of a brand new state-of-the-art secondary school. Spencer Academies share values and belief, and all benefit from the collaboration, partnership and added value that comes with being a member of our Trust. SAT also is a registered provider of Apprenticeships, leads the Derby Research School and is designated as a Regional Teaching School Hub.
We believe:
- All children have a right to a quality education regardless of background or ability, and have an entitlement to the opportunity of a secure progression route in their learning and development.
- Schools are stronger when they work in collaboration with each other, operate within a ‘family’ and are open to a true sense of partnership.
- We grow the effectiveness and sustainability of our schools by developing the people within them, and believe that through shared and equitable responsibility for quality and outcomes, we achieve more.
Spencer Trust academies share an ambition to deliver results that compete with the very highest performing schools in the country, and deliver a curriculum experience for students that is underpinned by breadth, opportunity and equality: one that seeks to give young people the opportunity to develop into well-rounded global citizens that believe they can influence positive change in the world.
Paul West
Chief Executive