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Spencer Superstars Charitable Foundation celebrate with second ball

The Spencer Superstars Charitable Foundation held its second spring charity ball last month, raising a collective total of just over £12,000!

The event took place at the Crowne Plaza Nottingham, with over 200 partners and staff members in attendance, and included auctions, a raffle, a live band, and performances from two of our very own Superstars - Sebastian Wang with his incredible piano solo and Sydney Charles welcoming guests on arrival with his fabulous bagpipe performance!

Since launching in 2022, the Foundation has raised over £60,000 and helped over 100 children and young people attending Spencer Academies, to pursue their passions and follow their dreams. With categories including The Arts, Sports, Entrepreneurship, Science and Technology, Conservation, Wellbeing and Healthy Lifestyle, and Community Projects, Principals from Spencer Academies are able to nominate students to apply for financial gifts from the Foundation.

Geoff Weightman, Chair of Spencer Superstars, was thrilled with how the night unfolded – “What a wonderful evening. It was tremendous to see so many people having a great time and in the process, raising over £12,000 for the Spencer Superstars.”

Spencer Superstars’ host for the evening, Kerrie Broderick said: “I was absolutely blown away by the generous support received on the evening. It was an honour to be part of the event and see so many people attend. I am so proud of Spencer Superstars, and what it represents, helping to support so many of our students.”

Spencer Superstars would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who attended on the night, our sponsors, and those who donated or helped to share our mission. We will be sharing how your support has helped our Superstars over the coming months.

If you would like to find out more about Spencer Superstars or how to get involved, please visit